Friday 30 November 2018

Importance Of Mobile App Development in Business

Mobile apps are innovatively contributing to the tech-industry as people are becoming more and more tech-savvy these days. With a robust lifestyle and rising needs, dependency on mobile apps has drastically increased. Be it your personal life or professional needs, one cannot stop relying upon mobile applications these days. For present-day peer groups, it’s highly impossible to live without smartphones or electronic gadgets. And, this makes a mobile app more demanding. 

Also, marketers believe that mobile apps are the best medium to connect with customers. A single click on these apps allows the customers to have all the information at their fingertips. Here are a few more added advantages of Mobile app development:
  1. On-The-Go Marketing: 
Whether you are traveling or watching a movie or are stuck in traffic, you can access the apps from anywhere and at any time. As a consumer, your regular activities will not be at halt irrespective of your whereabouts. And as an organization, you will be enhancing your brand by allowing people to access your services via mobile. Higher the usage of the apps, the higher is the brand recognition! 
     2. Increase More Sales: 
With the increase in the number of mobile users, there’s definitely an increase in the usage of mobile apps. This has lead to better brand visibility and a wider online presence. More and more people can use your products and services with a single click. Once your brand has gained the recognition and people have started using your services, your sales and revenue volume is sure to go up. 

    3. Acts As Social Platform:
Social platforms are leading the businesses these days. There would hardly be any brand that would take the risk of not being active on social media platforms. Businesses have become social with the help of social networking sites. Thanks to the mobile apps that allow the followers to stay connected with their favorite brands. The followers can like, share, or comment on any of the posts and stay tuned for the updates through their mobile phones.
   4. Bridges the gap
Needless to say, mobile apps add to higher sales and services. The customers can order the products at their own convenience and time zone. No longer they need to have access to their computers or laptops to order their desired products. Thanks to these Smartphones that bridges the gap between the brands and the consumers!

If you want to be ahead of the competitors, ensure that your products and services are accessible via mobile apps. Your business might have a website but, that isn’t enough to keep pace with the growing customer demands. Thus, get a mobile app designed.
There are several app development companies that possess the right knowledge and skills to get your task done. Let the experts know about your requirement for mobile app development and you are sure to get the best.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Why Website Development is Important

A Website is the face of a brand and is globally considered as a tool for business development. There would hardly be a day when humans don't web surf or rely on Web apps to get their tasks done. Be it booking your travel tickets, ordering your food, shopping online, or promoting your business, a website plays a critical role. If you want to make a better online presence, you just cannot afford to ignore the power of a website.

Still not convinced by the idea of having a website? Here are a few reasons why Web Development is important:

1. Credible Source:

A website represents your business globally and is considered to be the most credible online platform. It serves as the same purpose to that of a physical office. A website talks about the products/services that you offer, the year of establishment, the company’s mission, awards that the brand has received, press releases, and so on. Thus, a website is said to be the most reliable source of information. Contact the web app development agencies and get your website designed!

Caution: The information should be true!

2. 24/7 accessibility:

If you are running a physical outlet for your business, you will be able to attract the visitors only when the store is open. If you are under the impression that this is enough to get your business going, you might be mistaken. With the daily life schedule and busy hours, it’s difficult for an individual to follow the store timings. They would expect easy accessibility of your services. And this is possible only if you have a website. 

A website will not only take your business across the globe but, will help you to pull better traffic as well. Thus, ensure that your website is functioning 24/7. 

Caution: Let your website be error-free!

3. Convenience:

Gone are the days when people would rush to your store for your services. With the rising competition, there are multiple brands to cater to the needs of the consumers. Also, the customers wouldn't take an effort to visit the store physically when they can easily get the products online. Thus, ensure that your website is user-friendly and is developed in a manner that would ease up things for the visitors. 

Caution: Let your website be user-friendly!

4. Worldwide Marketing

With an online presence, you can interface with social forums and promote your products/services to an enormous gathering of people all around the world. You can frequently promote your services and share your work on social media to reach your target audience directly. 
If you haven’t given a thought about developing a website, it’s high time you consider it. There are several Web App development companies who are into Web development and Web Designing. All you need to do is let them know your requirements and they shall do the needful.
Do contact the professionals and get your Web Apps developed right away!

Monday 15 May 2017

Design Thinking – The Scketch Way!

“Design Is Not Just What It Looks Like And Feels Like. Design Is How It Works.” — Steve Jobs
The moment I disclose my identity as a designer, a set of simple yet not easily answerable questions pop up from my friends and relatives, let alone my clients. I turn to myself and ponder, is it something so complex that makes it difficult to fathom or is it its simplicity? Design is a very powerful tool to express an idea or sell a product. It is an agent of innovation. Yet, the caveat is that design as a theory has been attached only to products and services, while the truth is that we consciously or unconsciously practice design and design thinking in almost everything we do. Even banal acts like preparing meals, arranging the living room or dressing up for work are design problems just as much as developing a website, an app or a brand logo. It would not be an exaggeration to say that design reflects culture and more importantly the way we think. It is embedded into our system. The formal application to ‘revenue generating’ design problems is just a manifestation of the broader concept of design.
The importance of a good design lies in the fact that we, as human beings, rely on our senses to process information. Research has confirmed that we process visual images several times faster than any other kind of content. It has become inevitable for companies to establish a quality and consistent brand image in the market for their products or services by creating designs that appeal strongly to the eye.
So What Is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is a solution focused approach to problem solving that utilizes both left and right sides of the brain (if you know what I mean!). Unlike the traditional approach where problem parameters are sought after to characterize the solution, design thinking concentrates on an attainable result and lays down the path to it. For instance, say a kid dislikes mathematics and his exam is due in a week. The traditional parent will focus on the immediate requirement of the exam and accordingly prepare the kid. The design thinker looks at the possibility of the kid enjoying the subject and comes up with the idea of its gamification. Each time the kid plays the game, he has learnt or practiced math. From a business perspective, it is design thinking that distinguishes Apple from its competitors, although the functionality of its products is largely the same.
Design Thinking is an approach where professionals immerse themselves completely into absorbing and understanding the requirements of the organization they are working with, their values, intended audience and underlying messages in order to come up with the most efficient designs. The idea behind design thinking is to create minimal designs with powerful undertones that can create a positive, highly appealing brand image.
“It’s About Finding Fresh, Creative Solutions To A Problem, But In A Way That Puts People And Their Needs First”.
At Scketch, we don’t just listen to your problems. We understand them, do a thorough analysis and then work on developing a solution. A pinch of innovation is added to ideas and an altogether novel befitting product is created as a result. Our entire design process can be captured as shown:
  • Discovery: Choosing an affirmative and strategic approach which involves understanding and empathizing with the brand requirement.
  • Framing Opportunity: Looking for patterns and insights to give a complete scope definition.
  • Incubate: Feeding the brain with diverse stimuli to give room for innovation and technique.
  • Illuminate: Exploring possibilities and experimenting with different ideas: The basic structure of the design usually takes shape at this stage.
  • Evaluate: Refining ideas in accordance to their viability and desirability.
  • Deliverance: Testing the designs produced for approval and launch.
  • Iteration and Scaling: Bringing about any required changes and scaling them accordingly.
A Perfect Sports Partner

We recently began work on a mobile app designed for hobbyists/enthusiasts to connect with each other for a common cause. The app is primarily targeted at people who are new to a city and want to pursue their passion. We identified user experience (UX) as the most critical area of the app and eliminated registration forms which greatly reduced the number of clicks for a first time user. Good design and ease of use is appreciated by almost all smartphone users and getting it right is the key for a successful app. The app also detects the user’s location automatically so that he/she can connect with like-minded folks in the neighbourhood. The user can also apply filters like type of sport, gender, budget, etc to get a more relevant list of results. Simplicity and focus on the primary functionality, combined with a unique design is what we believe will make this app a hit among users.
As a budding UX Design Studio, Scketch aims at creating revolutionary digital user experience and design solutions. Our team of young, passionate designers and developers are constantly in a work-learn-create cycle to produce the best possible work for our clients.
Blog originally taken from SCKETCH BLOG